
  • Why I Shutdown BE2K TV

    Hello everyone! BE2K here, and I want to talk about why I shutdown BE2K TV. BE2K TV was meant as a way for me to stream, and kind of have a sort of TV channel, however I realized how hard it is to maintain. I hosted it on my home Wi-Fi, but it used almost…

  • BE2K TV

    Hello! Sorry for not posting this sooner, but BE2K TV is officially open! You can watch it here: There may be a few problems, so contact me using the form below to report them.

  • New Site

    Hello everyone, BE2K here. You may have noticed that the website has changed. You may remember that it looked like this: But now, it looks different! I recently switched to WordPress because I needed a way to get out lots of information. Anyways, if you have any questions comment (at least I think you can)…